Weight Watchers Daily Point Quiz

The first step to a healthier you when doing Weight Watchers is to calculate how many points you are allowed each day. To find your daily point allowance simply take the short quiz below and calculate your totals. Remember that 18 is the least amount of points allowed in a day and 44 is the most. If you are new to Weight Watchers and are not sure how the program works, you can find an article here that explains the basics of how to do it.

Please note: This quiz is for the old POINTS plan (prior to December 2010). The new PointsPlus plan makes it a little more difficult to calculate your daily PointsPlus Target. At this time, to calculate your target you basically have 3 options – they will give it to you at your meeting, get it online using E-Tools or purchase a new PointsPlus Calculatorand enter your information.

Here is the old POINTS quiz: (Prior to December 2010)

1. Sex:
Female — 2pts
Male — 8pts

2. Age:
17-26 — 4pts
27-37 — 3pts
38-47 –2pts
48-58 — 1pt
Over 58 — 0pt

3. First two 2 digits of your current weight:
(Example: Weight 165 = 16pt or Weight 230 = 23pt)

4. Height
Under 5’1″: 0pts
5’1″ to 5’10”: 1pt
5’10” and over: 2pts

5. Daily Activity Levels:
Sitting: 0pts
Some Sitting, Mostly Standing: 2pts
Walking most of the time: 4pts
Doing physically hard work most of the time: 6pts

6. Nursing Mom?
Solely Nursing: 10 pts
Supplementing with solid food or formula: 5 pts

Keep in mind that as you lose weight you will also start to lose points. Whenever the 2nd digit of your weight changes so does your daily point allowance. For example, if you weighed 170 pounds one week and then 168 pounds the next week, the second digit changed from a 7 to a 6 so you lose 1 point from your daily total. This is to insure that the weight loss continues until you reach your goal weight.

In addition to your daily points you are also allowed 35 bonus points each week. It is recommended that you use these points for special occaisions such as a holiday dinner, birthday celebration, or other event. It is NOT recommended to divide the 35 points up among the days of the week giving yourself 5 extra points each day. Remember, the goal here is to lose weight.


  1. Robin says:

    Hi, Ive just recently started WW (been on for a week) Im trying to loose 15-20lbs by May. Will this be possible?? I weigh 147 right now. Im afraid that I won’t lose it in time. I also was wondering if you go under your daily points a couple of days a week is that a bad thing, or should I try and keep with what the points want to have? Now with the healthy oils.. what are they?

  2. KittKatt says:

    Weigh day week 15:
    This week: +1
    Loss to date: -32lbs
    Well y’all, I gained this week, but I kinda expected to. Been slacking off alot lately. The last week was really difficult. There was alot of snow (and us in Texas aren’t used to that lol) and my job was closed for a few days because of the road conditions. To tell the truth, I spent most of the time either lying in the bed or on the couch watching netflix and stuffing my face with junk. Actually, I’m suprised I didn’t gain more. I know I’ve said this a few times in the last couple of weeks, but I WILL get back on track again and in a hurry too.
    On the plus side, I bought the cutest pair of high heel, knee high boots and I could actually zip them up! Before the weight loss (and exercise) there was no way I would be sporting boots that were so smoking hot. So yea! New boots! LOL

  3. Dan says:

    Hi Robin, you can definitely reach your goal by may. Just remain dedicated to the program (no cheating) and get some exercise and you will do fine.

    Your goal each day should be to use all of your points. It doesn’t have to be exact but as close as possible. If you find that you are always 2-4 points short of your target try having an extra healthy snack during the day to make up the difference.

    Healthy oils are: olive, flaxseed, canola, safflower and sunflower.
    Hope this helps! Best Wishes!! πŸ™‚

  4. Dan says:

    OK KittKatt, I’ll cut you some slack this week but next week…

    I thought I was doing really good this week but my numbers seemed high over the weekend (even before superbowl). We’ll see what happens on Wednesdays weigh in.

    Oh, and congrats on the new boots! It’s the little victories like that that help keep people motivated. See ya back on track! πŸ™‚

  5. KittKatt says:

    Weigh day week 17:
    This week: -2lbs
    Total to date: -34lbs

  6. Dan says:

    Way to turn it around, KittKatt. Congrats!

  7. Danielle says:

    I was wondering if you took fish oil for your oil if that would be zero points and protein portions are two portions, is that correct? The size of my my fist? How many points would i count? Thank you, Danielle

  8. KittKatt says:

    Hey guys, forgot to post on Sunday, but my weight loss for the week was 1 lb. Total to date is -35lbs.

  9. Jo says:

    I find that I eat most of the points before 3:00 now what do I do?

  10. Dan says:

    Hey Danielle, I’m pretty bad about getting my recommended servings of the oils and stuff but you are correct, 0 points for the fish oil.

    I think you are right about the protein but can’t find it in my materials to confirm. 3 ounce servings is the norm which is about the size of your palm. The point values will vary depending on the type of meat and the way it is prepared.

  11. Dan says:

    KittKatt, glad to see you made it back, I thought maybe you had abandoned us. Congrats on another great week!

  12. Dan says:

    Hi Jo, welcome to the site. My wife and I usually try to work it out so that our dinners are our largest meal of the day.

    Breakfast and lunch we try to keep simple and low point, eating things like sugar free oatmeal, fiber one bars, whole grain english muffin, bagel thins, progresso soups, a light sandwich and making sure we have some 0 point or low poins snacks around to help get thru to dinner. Items high in fiber will help you make it to your next meal without feeling like you are starving. Hope this helps!

  13. KittKatt says:

    Hey Dan, I read somewhere on some WW forum (that I can’t for the life of me find now, shoulda took a screenshot) about “the healthy 8” (or seven or nine, can’t remember it was half asleep middle of the night web surfing), but they really didn’t explain much about it. What’s it all about? What I remember is you have to get 2 servings of calcium, 2 servings of healthy oils(they didn’t specify which ones), and drink lots of water, but I can’t remember what else. Could you clarify for me? A lot of people on the forum said once they started following it, the weight came off easier. So I’m wondering if its something I should be following.

  14. Maria says:

    hi! it’s been a month since i last came here πŸ™‚ however, i have great news! -6 pounds! i am very happy cause my hard work is paying off finally!! i’m so exited to continue working out and doing the weigh wachers plan!!!! i am actually seeing results given the fact that my jeens fit me again and my sweats are etremely loose now!!! wwoooohoooo for me!!!
    ps. kittkatt i cant believe you’ve lost 35 pounds! i hope i can do that too πŸ™‚

  15. hubiette says:

    Hello Dan, I just started researching WW dieting. I have some pregnancy weight to loose. Your site is wonderful. I’m going to use the old points system. I have a question or two. the points pages you have on you main page is that by the old points system. i also read you can only have five 0 point items a day. does this include drinks – water and 0 point juices too or is it just food? Thanks for all yor help.

  16. Heidi says:

    I am doing WW on my own and staying with the old points program. I have lost 56.6 lbs. Thanks for the this website. It’s been a real help, especially when WW starting using the new program.

  17. KittKatt says:

    Weigh day week 19:
    This week: -4lbs
    To date: -39lbs
    Don’t know what I did special this week to do so well. I started taking green tea extract maybe that’s it. Anyway, I’m glad to be back on track. @Maria, thanks! I’ve been really trying hard and its been along time. Trust me, this isn’t my first time trying but I think this time (hopefully) it sticks. Good luck and good job to everyone! And thanks to you Dan! I couldn’t do it without this site!

  18. Dawn says:

    Need to get back to WW but I like to do the plan on my own (and it still work for me) but I cannot find a new points plus point calculator anywhere. Can someone help me find mine? I weigh 142, 5’4, and 38 yrs old. I try to work out couple times a week. I would say I sit a lot some days but I do get up and go a lot too…like today! Busy day! Thanks for any help. Good luck to each of you on your weight loss journey πŸ™‚

  19. Dan says:

    Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been a little overwhelmed at work recently and not much time for checking all of the comments.

    KittKatt – I have a card somewhere with the recommended servings of the oils and stuff but can’t find it. I’ll keep looking. Great number you pulled this week, weird how sometimes that can happen and you have no idea how you did it πŸ™‚

    Maria – congrats on the 6 pounds! Keep it up πŸ™‚

    Hubiette – at this time most of the site is still set up for the old system. I’m updating as I can but it’s a very slow process. I think the 0 point rule applies to everything, but if your 0 point drink also has 0 calories it would not apply. The rule was created because there are 0 point items that still have calories and the calories could add up very quickly if unlimited quantities were allowed.

    Heidi – Congrats on your success! Keep up the good work and thanks for using the site!

    Dawn – if you are doing it on your own you may have an easier time doing the old system, there is a lot more info readily available for it. There are points plus calculators on ebay and amazon but the prices are steep due to limited availability.

    Thanks for visiting averyone!

  20. hubiette says:

    Thanks for the info. Your site is very helpful. Thanks for the hard work you put into it…

  21. Dan says:

    Your welcome Tonya, thanks for visiting πŸ™‚

  22. KittKatt says:

    Weigh day week 20:
    This week: -2lbs
    Loss to date: -41lbs

  23. Dan says:

    You continue to amaze me each week KittKatt! Thanks for checking in, I bet you are an inspiration to many πŸ™‚

  24. KittKatt says:

    Thanks Dan!

  25. Cori says:

    Do you have anything on the mexican restaraunt Azteca?