Weight Watchers Activity Points

Weight Watchers Activity POINTS for the Momentum Plan (prior to December 2010) are earned when exercising.The amount of POINTS earned depends on a number of factors such as the intensity of the exercise, your body weight and how long you exercised for. Whether or not you add the POINTS earned from exercising to your daily POINT allowance is completely up to you.

PLEASE NOTE: The information below is for the Momentum POINTS plan (prior to December 2010).

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LOW Yes Yes Regular No
MEDIUM Yes No Deep After 10 Minutes
HIGH Briefly No Rapid & Deep After 3-5 Min


100-109 1 1 3
110-119 1 1 3
120-129 1 1 3
130-139 1 1 3
140-149 1 1 3
150-159 1 1 4
160-169 1 2 4
170-179 1 2 4
180-189 1 2 4
190-199 1 2 5
200-209 1 2 5
210-219 1 2 5
220-229 2 2 5
230-239 2 2 6
240-249 2 2 6
250-259 2 2 6
260-269 2 3 6
270-279 2 3 7
280-289 2 3 7
290-299 2 3 7
300-309 2 3 7
310-319 2 3 7
320-329 2 3 8
330-339 2 3 8
340-349 2 3 8
350-359 2 3 8

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100-109 1 2 4
110-119 1 2 4
120-129 1 2 5
130-139 1 2 5
140-149 2 2 5
150-159 2 2 6
160-169 2 2 6
170-179 2 3 6
180-189 2 3 7
190-199 2 3 7
200-209 2 3 7
210-219 2 3 8
220-229 2 3 8
230-239 2 3 9
240-249 2 4 9
250-259 3 4 9
260-269 3 4 10
270-279 3 4 10
280-289 3 4 10
290-299 3 4 11
300-309 3 4 11
310-319 3 5 12
320-329 3 5 12
330-339 3 5 12
340-349 4 5 13
350-359 4 5 13

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100-109 1 2 5
110-119 2 2 6
120-129 2 2 6
130-139 2 3 7
140-149 2 3 7
150-159 2 3 8
160-169 2 3 8
170-179 2 3 9
180-189 3 4 9
190-199 3 4 10
200-209 3 4 10
210-219 3 4 11
220-229 3 4 11
230-239 3 4 12
240-249 3 5 12
250-259 4 5 13
260-269 4 5 13
270-279 4 5 13
280-289 4 6 13
290-299 4 6 13
300-309 4 6 13
310-319 4 6 13
320-329 5 6 13
330-339 5 7 13
340-349 5 7 13
350-359 5 7 13

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  1. Jennifer says:

    So looking over the site and wondering… do I add this into my daily points or ignore and get more weight loss?

  2. Dan says:

    Hey Jennifer, I think it really depends on how intense of a workout routine you have. If you are a casual exerciser, it won’t hurt to not add the activity points to your daily totals. If you are an exercise fanatic, working out for 2 hours per day, you will defintely need the extra nutrition. Most people will be fine by not adding them or only using some of what they earn.

  3. Kathy says:

    This site is GREAT!! I’m going out to eat and was looking for nutrition info for the restaurant and find this site!! Question – I usually end the week with 30 to 34 activity points – Do I treat myself on the last day of the week with something? Or do I forget about those points? Which is better? I do end up eating about 2 or 3 extra points a day – which goes to the 35 weekly points – but the only time I dip into activity points is if we go out to dinner or there’s a celebration. Would I lose it quicker if I don’t eat the points? Or do I need to eat them for fuel for my body? HELP!!

  4. Dan says:

    Hi Kathy, the way that I understand how the activity points work is that they are to be used on the day that they are earned. If you don’t use them they do not carry over to the next day. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but that is how it was explained to me.

    Either way, I guess it is a wash for your situation. Just consider the 2-3 bonus points that you use each day as activity points, and then you have your bonus points left over for dinner and celebrations. Kind of the opposite of how you currently do it.

    Thanks for visiting and I hope I didn’t confuse you too much ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Kathy says:

    Nope! Got it! Thanks! I’ll do it that way instead. Makes sense!! Thanks Dan!! Great site!!

  6. Jen.Houston.H2O says:

    I am always looking for good information on water exercise. It is difficult because . . . I don’t know. Folks that figure out calories burned don’t seem to evaluate water exercise. The above calculator was about the same as WW site. 4 points for 60 minutes (I really think it is higher – but don’t we all. lol)

    Anybody else doing water exercise, water aerobics, water workouts??

  7. Dan says:

    Hey Jen! I’m not lucky enough to have access to a pool for water exercise but I do understand where you are coming from. I remember reading an article about Michael Phelps eating 12000 calories a day when training just to have the energy needed for swimming. And it’s hard to gauge how hard an exercise is when you are all wet and not sweating. If I run across any info I will definitely post it on the site. Maybe someone else can help answer if they know of any sources for good swimming info…

  8. Linda says:

    Great site. And thanks for making it free. I started WW 6 1/2 yrs ago, lost 80 pounds in 10 months and have kept it off since that time. I was very strict in counting points and exercising every day while losing weight. I have truly changed my lifestyle; since following WW plan, I’ve learned to eat healthy and in moderation (and still enjoy a few “pleasures”) and enjoy exercising (at least 5 days a week now). I never considered WW a diet, but rather a lifestyle of good, healthy habits. For all those following the plan – much success to you. If you want to change your lifestyle, this will work for you.

  9. Dan says:

    Congrats on your success, Linda. Your story is very similar to my wifes.

    I think to be successful with weight watchers you have to realize that this is the way that we should be eating and commit to making the changes a permanent part of your life instead of something that you do to lose 10 pounds and then going back to the old ways. Making that commitment is definitely something that I struggle with every day.

    Congrats again and thanks for visiting the site!

  10. Sissy says:

    Thanks for the activity points calculator. It was very helpful and I will definatley be using it in the near future!!!

  11. Dan says:

    Hey Sissy, no problem! Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sissy says:

    Since weight watchers changed their point system to the pointsplus, I noticed the ativity points changed also. Are the points going to be adjusted for the new system on this website?

  13. Dan says:

    Hi Sissy! At this time I don’t have any of the info for the new Points Plus plan but when I get it my plan is to offer the info for both plans. So this info would stay the same for people that want to stick with the old plan and I will have new info for the Points Plus plan.

    I should have the new info soon and then I will start to integrate it into the site. The site is basically a hobby done in my spare time so it may take some time to get everything updated but I will be working on it.

  14. Kevin says:

    I’m so glad its a site like this…Thanks Dan! Its good to see people have the same questions and concerns that i have. I’m on weight watchers and p90x. I had a bad week with food. I lean on junk food when i’m stressed and this week was stressful. P90 makes me feel better tho

  15. Dan says:

    Thanks for the great comment, Kevin. I have a junk food crutch, also. I don’t do P90 but I do try to compensate for the junk food on the treadmill. Don’t let one bad week get you down, it’s just a little speed bump in the grand scheme of things, time to refocus on the goal and get back on track! Thanks for visiting

  16. Ellen says:

    I just stumbled onto your site when I was trying to determine how many daily points I am allowed and how many extra points I am allowed for my exercise. I was in WW years ago and need to start back. I know the basic information but since I had gained weight and now do different kinds of exercise, I needed new calculations. This website has it all and I am grateful that you have published this information. I am sure it will help MANY people now and in the future. I like the old WW plan (pre 12/10) so I hope that stays out here to use!! One question: if you do 45 minutes of weight training in a class, how would you calculate points earned on that since it isn’t really cardio?

  17. Dan says:

    Hi Ellen, I’m glad you found the site. I know many people have opted not to switch to the new version so the old will definitely be around for a long time.

    I’m not sure what the official WW stance would be on the weight training but I would probably use your heart rate as a guide. Just find your target heart rate for your age group (there’s a chart here) and then base the intensity of your workout on whether your heart rate was at the high end, middle or low end of your target zone.

    I hope this helps and thanks for visiting

  18. bonnie says:

    HI, I was just wondering if there is a certain number of activity points that WW suggests you earn in a day? Also how do calculate how many activity points are earned by pedometer steps in a day? Those of you who do turbo jam would you consider that medium or high intensity?

    thanks a bunch,

  19. Dan says:

    Hi Bonnie, I have not seen any recommended activity points levels from WW’s. I assume it would be different for everyone depending on your overall health and may be something that would have to be discussed with a doctor for people that are really out of shape. Theoretically, if you stick to the plan you should be able to lose weight without any exercise at all, though it does help speed things up a bit.

    I’m not sure that steps counted on a pedometer would count towards earning activity points unless it was done during an actual session of exercise. If it is just steps that you take on a daily basis and not extra steps taken during exercise, they would count more towards your daily activity level when trying to determine your daily points allowance. Maybe someone else can give their feedback if they’ve asked the same question at a meeting.

    For the Turbo Jam, I would say at least a medium but it all depends on how much effort you are putting into it. There are some people that just go thru the motions without putting forth much effort into it while there will be other people that are ready to pass out at the end of it because they gave their all. Your personal experience will determine what your intensity is…the charts at the top of the page should help.

  20. bonnie says:

    thanks Dan, Very helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Dan says:

    NP ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Ali says:

    hi ya – with the steps it is individulal to you – i know ww used to use a set amount of steps before earning points but as i worked in an office job i had to do extra exercise just to met the minimum they allowed for…. so i thought technically i was doing more exervice than i would normally do. i have had a look on ebay and you can get the WW pedometers really cheep and they take into considration your height,weight and stride length and individual circumstances so this would help with your steps question. i dont have one yet but i am going to get one to see how good they are.

  23. Dan says:

    Thanks for the info, Ali ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Nancy says:

    Hey Dan thank you very much for the site, it is truly less confusing to me than the official site. I joined weight watchers about 4 weeks ago and the results are very small. I am 5.1 currently weight 127 pounds and I want to loose 10 pounds. After revewing your site I noticed that my points allowance is actually 21 points but they told me at the meeting that I had 29 points? Could you tell me why am I given more points than I should get according to your quiz? Plus they give me 49 points extra for the whole week? Would this be the reason of why I am not loosing much weight? Thank you

  25. Nancy says:

    Dan I forgot to mention… I have only lost 2 pounds since I started. Sometimes though when I’ve eaten less points than I should I’ve noticed a big difference. One of this dates that happened and I almost weight 125 pounds but got them back in a few days after as I continue to eat 29 points. My activity is very low because I work at an office but I do stand up most of the time.