Weight Watchers Daily Point Quiz

The first step to a healthier you when doing Weight Watchers is to calculate how many points you are allowed each day. To find your daily point allowance simply take the short quiz below and calculate your totals. Remember that 18 is the least amount of points allowed in a day and 44 is the most. If you are new to Weight Watchers and are not sure how the program works, you can find an article here that explains the basics of how to do it.

Please note: This quiz is for the old POINTS plan (prior to December 2010). The new PointsPlus plan makes it a little more difficult to calculate your daily PointsPlus Target. At this time, to calculate your target you basically have 3 options – they will give it to you at your meeting, get it online using E-Tools or purchase a new PointsPlus Calculatorand enter your information.

Here is the old POINTS quiz: (Prior to December 2010)

1. Sex:
Female — 2pts
Male — 8pts

2. Age:
17-26 — 4pts
27-37 — 3pts
38-47 –2pts
48-58 — 1pt
Over 58 — 0pt

3. First two 2 digits of your current weight:
(Example: Weight 165 = 16pt or Weight 230 = 23pt)

4. Height
Under 5’1″: 0pts
5’1″ to 5’10”: 1pt
5’10” and over: 2pts

5. Daily Activity Levels:
Sitting: 0pts
Some Sitting, Mostly Standing: 2pts
Walking most of the time: 4pts
Doing physically hard work most of the time: 6pts

6. Nursing Mom?
Solely Nursing: 10 pts
Supplementing with solid food or formula: 5 pts

Keep in mind that as you lose weight you will also start to lose points. Whenever the 2nd digit of your weight changes so does your daily point allowance. For example, if you weighed 170 pounds one week and then 168 pounds the next week, the second digit changed from a 7 to a 6 so you lose 1 point from your daily total. This is to insure that the weight loss continues until you reach your goal weight.

In addition to your daily points you are also allowed 35 bonus points each week. It is recommended that you use these points for special occaisions such as a holiday dinner, birthday celebration, or other event. It is NOT recommended to divide the 35 points up among the days of the week giving yourself 5 extra points each day. Remember, the goal here is to lose weight.


  1. bonnie says:

    Hi, Sorry I’m at 24 points not 25 sorry for typing the wrong one.


  2. Dan says:

    No white flags allowed, Bonnie! Throw that thing away ๐Ÿ™‚

    You may have to play with the amount of activity points that you give yourself to find your ‘sweet’ spot. Some people may need more or less depending on their metabolism.

    I know sometimes it can be frustrating. I’ve been at basically the same weight for 6 months and only have about 14 pounds to go to reach my goal. But I also know that even though I weigh the same, I am healthier than I’ve ever been (diabetes is completely under control) and I’m happy with that. If you are eating right and exercising you are going to benefit in the long run no matter what the scale says.

  3. Heather says:

    What a great site! Tonight is my first meeting but I am inspired by what I have read today. I started counting my points yesterday and realized I really snack A LOT!!!! Well wish me luch tonight – my first official weigh in. BTW I have been eating well today and still hungry. Is it my body adjusting to not over-eating? And I have been drinkings lots of water…but that’s not helping much.

  4. Dan says:

    Hi Heather, hope your meeting went well.

    For me, I noticed that if I snack on something high in fiber and wash it down with lots of water that I seem to stay satisfied a lot longer between meals. If that doesn’t work just be sure to keep any snackng that you do as healthy as possible. Let us know how it went

  5. Beck says:

    Hi everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just wanted to give some moral support. I decided to take on weight watchers by myself on the 15th of October last year and I haven’t look back. I weighed 182lbs when I started and and exactly 6 months later I weigh 135lbs. Loss of 47lbs to me is amazing, but lets face it 1lb is amazing. Anything towards a happier healthier you is brilliant. It’s been hard work at times but I am pleased with myself and get lots of compliments and people asking for advice. Keep at it everyone. I was to loose another 9lbs i’m only 5″3 so it’s totally realistic and healthy ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy dieting :-))))

  6. Dan says:

    Congrats on a job well done, Beck! Thanks for visiting and taking the time to share :), hopefully your story can help inspire another

  7. bonnie says:

    Hello Dan, could you post a sample menu of your day on weight watchers? I think I might not be using my points correctly. I almost always seem to be hungry and almost never seem to have enough points. 24 points just never seems to be enough for me. I always have trouble at the end of the week I usually eat more then what I have for my daily and what is left of my weekly. I really get upset with myself at these times. I know I ‘m just hurting myself in the long run. Any help would be appreciated. Is there any one point fruit available? or is there a list of 0 point Items?

    Thanks again your help is always appreciated.

  8. KittKatt says:

    Hey guys, as of todays weigh-in I have lost a total of 50lbs. Sorry about my obsenity filled rant last week y’all.

  9. KittKatt says:

    Oh, its week 26 and I lost 6lbs. So, buhbye to the 3 I gained last week as well as 3 additional pounds. Once again, sorry about last weeks post. Guess I was being “irritable” lol.

  10. Dan says:

    Hey bonnie, sorry for the delayed response. I get 33 points per day, below is a common day for me

    Breakfast: 1 pack of Quaker Lower Sugar Instant Oatmeal or a Fiber One Bar (2 points)
    Snack 1: Sugar Free Jello cup or some fresh fruit (0 to 2 points)
    Lunch: Lean Deli Meat Sandwich with fat free cheese on Aunt Millies whole grain bread (5 points)
    Snack 2: Fiber One Bar, fresh fruit, fat free pudding, or maybe some progresso soup (0 to 2 points)
    Dinner: This is where the majority of my points go. Pretty much anything is fair game in moderation (15 to 20 points)
    Snack 3: Lays Light potato chips, fat free pretzels, fresh fruit, 100 cal snack pack or something small to satisfy my sweet tooth (1 to 2 points)

    I try to eat something every couple of hours, helps keep me feeling satisfied. Here is a list of zero point items and here are the point values for fruit. Hopefully this gives you a couple ideas to make life easier. Maybe someone else can give some examples, too.

  11. Dan says:

    That’s the way to make a comeback, KittKatt. Congrats on reaching the 50 lb milestone!!!

  12. Roxanne says:

    I started weight watchers on my own 3 weeks ago, and am excited to say I weighed in 9lbs less this morning. Yay me ๐Ÿ™‚ I was happy to find your website and all the tips and tricks. I find most days I don’t use all of my points. Writing down what I eat is a huge help, and motivates me to make better choices. I find that portioning out meals make it a lot easier to grab and go. Especially on shift work. Thanks for such a great resource!

  13. KittKatt says:

    Week 27:
    Didn’t loose anything this week, but didn’t gain either so I’m not complaining. Still holding steady at -50lbs.

    Hope everyone had a great Easter! (4 points in a cadbury cream egg for anyone wondering. Thank goodness they’re seasonal cuz I can’t stay away from them :))

  14. KittKatt says:

    I’ become too complacent on watching my points, so I’m gonna start writing everything down like I did at the beginning. I don’t want to find myself at a standstill on the weight loss. Got the invite for my 20 year highschool reunion the other day and I want to try to loose another 15 pounds before then.

  15. Nicole says:

    Just wanted to say that I don’t leave the house to eat somewhere without checking my points on this amazing website! I have lost 43 pounds to date. My goal was to lose 40, so I am just waiting to see where I land. THANK YOU so much for all of this priceless information all in one sweet spot!

  16. Dan says:

    Hi Roxanne, welcome to the site and CONGRATS on your great start. Keep up the great work and thanks for using the site!!

  17. Dan says:

    Kitt Katt – sometimes just staying even is as good as a loss, especially around the holidays. Good job!

    How long until the reunion? With the success that you’ve had 15 pounds shouldn’t be a problem if you have enough time. Keeping a food journal will definitely help keep you on track. Good luck

  18. Dan says:

    Hello Nicole, congrats on the 43 pounds!! That’s a great accomplishment ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the kind words and for using the site

  19. Niki says:

    Hey People, I want to start WW on my own but I don’t know how to go about it. I heard I have to know how many points to get. Am all confused can someone kindly help me!


  20. Dan says:

    Hi Niki, welcome to the site. This is the right page to be on since you are just starting out. Above is the quiz that you take to determine how many points you get each day and there is also a link that will take you to some basic instructions on how to do WW on your own. After you check that out, come back here and ask any questions that you may have and we will get you squared away. Best Wishes!!

  21. KittKatt says:

    Week 28:
    This week loss: -0lb
    Loss to date: -50
    Still haven’t lost anymore, not sure what I’m doing wrong. I haven’t done anything different. Guess I’m just at a plataeu. @Dan, the reunion is at the end of June, not sure if I’ll lose 15lbs by then at the rate I’m going. I’m not gonna let myself stress about it though.
    Has anyone heard about the “wendie plan”? Its an alternate WW plan some lady made up and some people seem to have good results using it after being stuck at the same weight for awhile. I’d add a link, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that on my phone. Just google “wendie plan”. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had heard of it or even tried it, and if so, what did y’all think of it. While as of right now I’m kinda ok with the standstill, I know that with the type of personality I have I will be freaking out about it within a few weeks. Lol. By then, I will be willing to try any crazy plan that sounds half way legit. Anyway, hope everyone has a great week and good luck on everyones weight loss journeys.

  22. Dan says:

    Hey KittKatt, I’ve heard lots of good things about the “Wendie Plan” and have heard of many people that have had success with it. Sometimes switching to something like that can be just what the doctor ordered when you reach a plateau. Any kind of change like that can help break through to the next level. Let us know how you like it if you do decide to try it

  23. Nat says:

    I used to do Weight Watchers 9 years ago. Back then, my daily total points were 25. How can I figure out my points today based on the new Points Plus? I am 5’1″, 35 y/o, female, weight 185, and I sit down for most of my days as I walk in an corporate america (in office all day). Please help, I really need to start getting healthier. Thanks


  24. Dan says:

    Hi Nat, there are only a couple of options available for calculating your points if you want to do the new plan. You either have to sign up with WW (online or at meetings) or you can purchase one of the new PointsPlus calculators which also has the ability to calculate daily point allowances. My recommendation would be if you are doing it on your own to do the old plan…there is more info available on the internet for it and everyone knows that it is possible to have great success with it. Good luck in whichever you choose and thanks for visiting.

  25. Nat says:

    Thanks Dan, I am going to go with the old points version. Its been 9 years, so I do not even know where to begin. Can you provide some insight? I happened to search the internet, and found how to calculate daily points (the old way). According to the old method, I should start off with 24 points. Less than 9 years ago. However, can I just incorporate WW Smart Ones, Water and Fiber one daily? I work all day in an office, so exercise is almost out the window for me. (BTW, thanks for responding so quickly).. and congrats on this site, I just found it and find it to be so comforting. (Hats off to you!)