Weight Watchers Daily Point Quiz

The first step to a healthier you when doing Weight Watchers is to calculate how many points you are allowed each day. To find your daily point allowance simply take the short quiz below and calculate your totals. Remember that 18 is the least amount of points allowed in a day and 44 is the most. If you are new to Weight Watchers and are not sure how the program works, you can find an article here that explains the basics of how to do it.

Please note: This quiz is for the old POINTS plan (prior to December 2010). The new PointsPlus plan makes it a little more difficult to calculate your daily PointsPlus Target. At this time, to calculate your target you basically have 3 options – they will give it to you at your meeting, get it online using E-Tools or purchase a new PointsPlus Calculatorand enter your information.

Here is the old POINTS quiz: (Prior to December 2010)

1. Sex:
Female — 2pts
Male — 8pts

2. Age:
17-26 — 4pts
27-37 — 3pts
38-47 –2pts
48-58 — 1pt
Over 58 — 0pt

3. First two 2 digits of your current weight:
(Example: Weight 165 = 16pt or Weight 230 = 23pt)

4. Height
Under 5’1″: 0pts
5’1″ to 5’10”: 1pt
5’10” and over: 2pts

5. Daily Activity Levels:
Sitting: 0pts
Some Sitting, Mostly Standing: 2pts
Walking most of the time: 4pts
Doing physically hard work most of the time: 6pts

6. Nursing Mom?
Solely Nursing: 10 pts
Supplementing with solid food or formula: 5 pts

Keep in mind that as you lose weight you will also start to lose points. Whenever the 2nd digit of your weight changes so does your daily point allowance. For example, if you weighed 170 pounds one week and then 168 pounds the next week, the second digit changed from a 7 to a 6 so you lose 1 point from your daily total. This is to insure that the weight loss continues until you reach your goal weight.

In addition to your daily points you are also allowed 35 bonus points each week. It is recommended that you use these points for special occaisions such as a holiday dinner, birthday celebration, or other event. It is NOT recommended to divide the 35 points up among the days of the week giving yourself 5 extra points each day. Remember, the goal here is to lose weight.


  1. Dan says:

    No problem, Nat πŸ™‚

    I would limit the smart one meals to just one a day. They contain lots of sodium which can cause water retention and slow weight loss. You will see much better results with home made meals incorporating fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, whole grain wheat products, etc.

    Some advice to help get you going:
    1. Make sure to start off with a reasonable goal that you can reach in a month or two and then set your next goal. It may take multiple goals to reach your optimum weight range but the little victories along the way help keep you motivated and on track

    2. Do not deprive yourself of any of your favorites. Moderation is the key to success and if you feel that you have to sacrifice the things that you love to be successful you are more likely to throw in the towel

    3. Make sure you keep writing everything down. The minute you stop keeping a food journal is usually the minute that you start to go off of the program

    4. Use all of the points that you are allowed, including bonus points and activity points. This will insure that your body is getting the nutrition it needs and also allow for continued weight loss and not leave you feeling like you are starving when you finally reach your healthy weight range

    5. Get some exercise…anything more than you currently do is a start. For the office you might want to try something like the FitDeck playing cards. They have a deck specially designed with exercises you can do at your desk at work.

    Hope this helps. Thanks for the kind words about the site and let us know how it’s going from time to time.

  2. Delphine says:

    Holding my baby in one hand as I type.lol. I weigh 92kg at the moment. I am 5.9, aged 32.
    when I lost my brother I began to comfort eat and so I blew up. Then I had my kids and Ifeel like I’m carrying so much weight.

    please, any advise on ho2w to lose this weight would help. Am I right to say I am allowed 36 points?

    Thanks for this greattttttttt site.

  3. Delphine says:

    sorry about all the typos.

  4. KittKatt says:

    No weight loss again this week. Still at -50lbs. Its getting a little frusterated. I will not give up though. Hope evryone had a good week and good luck on your weight loss journeys.

  5. Dan says:

    Hi Delphine, sorry about the delay in responding. 32 points sounds a little high unless you are nursing the baby. I come up with 27 points, plus what you would give yourself for your daily activity levels and if you are nursing or not.

    Losing the weight is the easy part…eat right, watch the portions and get some exercise. Keeping it off and putting an end to the bad habits that got you there is the hard part. Weight watchers can help with that as it teaches you how you should eat for the rest of your life. Stick with it and you should have great success. Best wishes and thanks for visiting!

  6. Dan says:

    KittKatt – another successful week if you ask me πŸ™‚

    Not sure how it is where you live but the season changes always seem to throw a monkey wrench in my weight loss efforts. Just another hurtle to conquer and move on to the next phase.

  7. Katt1 says:

    Sorry it’s been a while to respond to your very kind words and responses. I haven’t exactly been following (gulp) lol but a loosely based version but I have lost 9lbs…I don’t know how but I did start to eat breakfast within an hour of waking, as I had seen suggested, and make myself have a snack around 3 pm, unfortuneatly I still eat mostly at night but it must be less because I have eaten during the day. I am drinking water as well, not what I should but more than usual. I can get through bout 90 ounces now where once I was lucky if I drank 1-2 16oz bottles. Kittkatt, well done. You are inspiring.

  8. KittKatt says:

    Thanks Katt1. You’re off to a great start as well.

  9. Dan says:

    Great job Katt1, 9 pounds in one month is a great accomplishment even if you weren’t “really” following the plan. Obviously some of the lifestyle changes that you made are making a difference.

    Just keep making little adjustments. Nighttime eating is OK as long as you stop 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Sounds like you are doing great with the water intake.

    You didn’t mention if you have been more active or not. Remember, anything more than what you used to do is a good start. It will get easier as you start to lose weight and you will also be motivated by the results that you see. Thanks for the update, keep em coming πŸ™‚

  10. Katt1 says:

    I haven’t been more active because since my tummy “appeared” I have had awful back pains. I even get out of breath when I walk up my fronts steps to my home! Then my back hurts and I sit down. I will try to do some band exercise at my desk. I have a back porch stairwell so I may try to get 2-3 up and downs done over the course of the day. I live in SC and it is sooo hot.

  11. Dan says:

    Yeah Katt1, every little bit helps. You just need to burn a little more calories than you used to. You could try some of the exercises in this link. They were designed for the elderly but many of them can be done while sitting and it might be a good way to get started. You may find that the exercises also help strengthen your back and relieve some of your pain.

  12. Dan says:

    If anyone has a few minutes to spare and would like to help out the site, please visit alexa.com and post an honest review of the site. Any input (good or bad) would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

  13. SHELIA says:

    need points plus for the restaurant Sea breeze.it is a seafood restaurant similar to RED LOBSTER,but much better!!

  14. Paige says:

    Hi everyone. I am starting Weight Watchers Monday. I am very excited. I have tried almost everything in the book from crazy diets to diet pills that made me feel horrible. I am 21 years old, and at 190 pounds. I am very active, I exercise, and I have a job that keeps me on my feet. The problem I have is eating obviously. I know I eat too much, and I eat very unhealthy. I can’t afford to actually join Weight Watchers but hopefully I can do it on my own and get fast results. I want to be at 145! I am not a big cooker so could I buy my food at a grocery store, or is it all cooking? I am new at all of this, any advice would be awesome! Also how many points should I start with a day? Thanks guys πŸ™‚

  15. KittKatt says:

    Weigh day week 30:
    OMG! Still at 50lbs! I’m thinking about doing the Wendie Plan for awhile, but that super high point day kind scares me. Its all just so frusterating.

  16. Dan says:

    Hi Sheila, it appears that Sea Breeze’s website is still under construction. All it has is one page and no nutrition info for any of there stuff. I’ll send myself an email to remind me to check on it once in awhile…

  17. Dan says:

    Hi Paige, welcome to the site and sorry for the delay in responding. The quiz at the top of the page will help you determine how many points you should get.

    The great thing about weight watchers is that you can make it work with pretty much any lifestyle, it’s all about managing your portion sizes. You do not have to have all home cooked meals, just keep close track of what you eat and stop when you reach your daily limit. If you can do that and manage to get in some exercise each day you will reach your goal in no time…BEST WISHES!! πŸ™‚

  18. Dan says:

    Hey KittKatt, everyone hits the plateau sooner or later, you’ll get thru it.

    I think switching things up a little with the Wendie plan might help. I wouldn’t worry about the high point day, just make sure you track everything that you eat religiously and you will be fine

  19. chernandez says:

    Hi Dan!

    I am soooo excited to have found this site. I have always struggled with my weight. I just had my third child and my husband had to go to his mob site 9 days after she was born. I get to go see him in June before he leaves for Afghanistan and I really want to lose weight. I am 28 years old, 4’10” and right now 155 lbs. I got up to 180 while I was pregnant. I lost some weight and am stuck. I was about 130 before getting pregnant and that was after gaining 10lbs. I am not sure which plan to do. I have never done the program at all but my friends have, some are doing the old and some are doing the new. Please help! I just want to lose at least ten pounds before June 18.

  20. KittKatt says:

    Ugh! Still stuck @ -50lbs. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!????
    I’m going to do this one more week and if nothing changes I’m gonna switch to Wendi Plan and see if that does anything. That’ll give me a week to psyche myself up for the really high point day.

  21. LindaB says:

    This is a fabulous site and I have recommended to a few friends.

    I started back on WW on May 28 and have been very strict on my points intake and drinking mega amounts of water. I am very limited in exercise as I have osteoarthritis in both knees and both feet.

    Here are my stats:
    230 starting weight
    I weigh in every Monday morning

    As of Monday, May 23 I weighed 208 – I am down 22 pounds and loving every minute of it! Clothes I haven’t been able to wear are now fitting! I know WW works I have done it before and then fell off the wagon….but not this time!

    My goal is to get to 170 or into a size 14 or even 12. Weight is a number and I won’t sabotage myself….I want to be a true 14 or 12 and buy off the “Normal Ladies” rack again. Than I will have accomplished my goal and stay with it! Wish me luck.

  22. KittKatt says:

    Good luck LindaB! You’re off to a fabulous start! At your rate you’ll reach your goal in no time! πŸ™‚
    As for me, I started back during the end of Oct.(beginning of Nov.? This is week 31 and my weigh day is Sundays) and I’ve lost 50 lbs which I’ve been stuck at for the last 4-5 weeks. Its been really frusterating, but I refuse to give up this time. This week I did finally see a change in the scale. Unfortunately it was in the wrong direction. Yes, I’d sadly like to report that I’ve gained 2 lbs. πŸ™ I’m okay with it though, just plan on getting back on track this week. Maybe up the activity level even. Anyway, good luck to everybody out there on their weight loss journeys. I know we can all do it! I’ll check back in next week.

  23. Dan says:

    Hi everyone! Sorry, been real busy at work and home the last few weeks…

    Chernandez – I think you’ll find that WW is exactly what you need to kick start your weight loss again. If you are doing it on your own I would avoid PointsPlus…go with the old plan. There is much more free info available and seems to work fine for everyone. There are people that seem to have difficulty on the new plan.

    LindaB – GREAT JOB! You are off to a fantastic start and you have the right attitude. Check in from time to time and give us some updates.

    KittKatt – Have you switched over to the Wendy plan? If so, make sure you are keeping close track of the points you eat each day. Seems like it could be easy to mess something up which might explain the 2 pound gain. Keep tryin πŸ™‚

  24. KittKatt says:

    Forgot to post on Sunday, but here it is. This week I lost 0 pounds. That leaves me at -48lbs still.
    @Dan. I haven’t tried the Wendi plan yet, I’m still bouncing it around in my head. This week I’m going to focus on upping my activity. I’ve let it slid lately since I’m and “outdoor” activity person and it’s just been so dang hot here(Texas). I mean 94 degrees at 9o’clock at night(and much higher during the day of course)is just ridiculous. i’m a big girl after all :). Anyone out there have ideas on inside excersising? I have no treadmill or anything(and no room for one either, in fact I have very limited space)and no extra $$ for my gym membership which I actually let lapse since the gas prices skyrocketed(gas is killing me, we drive big old trucks down here y’all lol), so I’m open to any suggestions. I hope everyone has a good week, and I’m sending out positive thoughts to all of you. We can do it!

  25. KittKatt says:

    one more thing to share. I’d been having a hard time giving up the full fat mayo(Hellmans of course!)because let’s face it, the low-fat, fat-free, olive oil, ect. ones just aren’t the same no matter what anyone says. So one day while unwrapping my laughing cow cheese wedge(gotta get that dairy!) I figured why not give it a shot? It’s spreadable and tasty and only 1 point compared to the 3 points I was using for my tablespoon of mayo. I put it on my turkey sandwich and let me tell you what…Best turkey sandwich EVER! I experimented with all the flavors but “french onion” is my favorite with “garlic and herb” running a close second. The flavors are “queso fresco and chipotle”(which I tried on a quesadilla- tortilla, chicken, salsa, onions, cheese wedge for 4 points and it was YUM!), “blue cheese”, “sun dried tomato and basil”, “mozzarella”, “original swiss”, and the two I mentioned above. And all of them are only 1 point per wedge. I’m officially addicted. lol